All about Virtual Registered Address UK

A virtual registered office address in the UK is a location in the UK that you can use to receive and distribute mail as well as for services that ask for your business address. This location is managed and accessed remotely via software or other electronic means. This address can be used in place of a physical business registered address. There are various types of virtual addresses, including PO Boxes, street addresses, and business addresses.

This address is used by businesses for a variety of purposes.

Receiving parcels and mail

Letters sent on your behalf

Keeping postal items

Digitised posting

Returned goods

Sending letters to different addresses

For the needs of your business address‍

Are virtual business addresses legal?

Virtual addresses for businesses are legal. In the UK, you are permitted to use any address for your company as long as it is both (1) linked with a physical address and (2) situated in the country where your company is registered.

Some of the benefits of using this address are:

A UK virtual address can be purchased and used from any location in the world, which is one of the most popular advantages of using a virtual address.

It can be used to receive, store, and distribute your post without ever physically touching your mail.

You won't need to update your address information as you move to new locations because your virtual address information won't ever change.

When you provide address information, they help to hide your private address and provide an extra layer of security.

Individuals and businesses can still access their UK-based mail without physically being in the country because you don't need to be present there.

It serves as a central receiving point for all of your mail, ensuring that you never lose anything or depend on others to access your post.

You can use a virtual address when leaving a fixed location, such as an office space.

Depending on your present setup, a virtual address could help you save money on mail management expenses.

Also read: UK Limited Company Registration Process

Can you open a business bank account using it?

Yes, you can open a business bank account using a virtual registered address. For a personal bank account, you couldn't do this because banks need your residential address to verify your identity. The UK's anti-money laundering laws are violated when a virtual address is given in place of a residential one for personal account verification. 

You'll find that the bank requires proof-of-business-address documents when you open a business bank account.

As proof of address, the majority of banks will accept documents from Companies House and HMRC. So, make sure that the virtual address you are using for your bank account is the same one you registered for your company.

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