About What We Do...

Set up your Offshore limited
company 100% guaranteed company
creation worldwide.

Destinations: British Virgin Islands, UK, Hong Kong SAR, Cayman Islands, Seychelles. Services: Offshore Company Setup, Offshore Bank Account, Merchant Account Services. RTRSupports Limited: Order Now and Get your Company & Bank in 1 Day. We are authorized by the Association of Company Registration Agents, ensuring our company documentation is of the highest quality, always up-to-date and compliant with current regulations and legislation.


Private limited companies

The maximum of new companies which are all registered in the UK are mainly companies limited by shares. This kind of quality business formation for any type of company that has been formed with the motive of making a profit for the owners and their business. This formation is very well known because it helps to share all kinds of profits between the shareholders with minimum financial liability. The shareholders are accountable for all kinds of payments of company debts which all depend on how much quantity of shares they are holding. So their personal assets will be protected, should the company encounter any financial difficulties. We give selective company formation packages that are all designed to form simple and easy private limited companies. They range from the basic Digital Package – providing the minimum legal requirements for official company registration – to the all-Inclusive, which includes a range of useful extras, such as a prestigious registered office, a mail forwarding service, VAT and PAYE registration, and the filing of your company’s first Confirmation Statement (previously known as the Annual Return). We also offer a Non-UK Residents Package, which provides a limited company and a full range of UK address services with international mail forwarding, making it easy to operate a company from outside the UK.

Guarantee companies

This company structure is commonly used by non-profit organizations in the United Kingdom. It gives protection to the company owner’s personal finances just like a company limited by shares. Instead of having shareholders and shares, it has guarantors and guarantees. The guarantors’ financial liability is restricted to the amount of money they guarantee when forming the company. Rather than the company owners sharing profits, any money generated is paid back to the company to help further its aims. In some instances, the owners may take a share of the profits but by doing so they will relinquish the company’s right to apply for charitable status. Our specially designed limited by guarantee company formation package provides everything you need to set up a limited company for non-profit purposes. Please check our company formation packages for the pricing details.


Limited Liability partnerships (LLPs)

The LLP structure is often used by those forming a company in industries that traditionally operate as partnerships, such as law practices or accountancy firms. The primary benefit of setting up an LLP is it gives protection to the partner’s personnel finances whenever the company will face difficulties. An LLP is also beneficial as it allows the company partners to remain separate to some extent – each partner is responsible for paying their own individual income tax via Self-Assessment, rather than the business being responsible for paying corporation tax.

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